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Lincoln Log Cabin
402 S. Lincoln Highway Road
Lerna, Il 62440
Education Programs

Lincoln Log Cabin offers education programs geared toward all ages. Our most popular programs are the Summer Youth Interpreter Program, Pioneer Day Camp, and our Traveling Educational Kits.

2024 Summer Programs

The Young Adult interpreters Program offers an opportunity for 13-16 year-olds to participate in the interpretive program on the farm. Participants engage in daily chores, such as cooking, gardening, splitting rails, mucking barns, and wheat harvesting. Period crafts and games provide an afternoon break from the day-to-day activities required to maintain a period farm. The program will begin in June 12 and go to August 2, participants attend one day a week Wednesdays or Thursdays from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm.  Registration is $90 per child and includes a noon meal and t-shirt.


Pioneer Day Camp offers children ages 8-12 the chance to enjoy age--appropriate educational and recreational activities such as historical interpretation, hands-on demonstrations, crafts, and games – all based on the 1840s time period and using tools and techniques of that time. Each camp will have a maximum of 10 participants to ensure individualized attention and learning opportunities. Registration includes t-shirt and noon meals. At this time please register for one week of camp per child, if subsequent sessions allow for additional campers we will let you know. Click in the session below to register.

At this time we are only accepting one session per child, please register for just one session. We will notify you if subsequent sessions have room for more campers at a later date. Thank you.

Session I, June 11-15- Trailblazers I: Our sessions this year will offer the experiences you've come to know and love in previous years. Activities will include food preparation, arts and crafts, and historical games.
Session II, June 25-29 Traiblazers II
Session III, July 9- 13 - Trailblazers III
Session IV, July 16-20 Trailblazers IV
Registration is $90 per child per session.

Camp Handbook

We will meet all campers and Young Adult Interpreters under the covered portico at the front of the Visitor Center and head out for the farm from there. We will only be using the upstairs bathrooms and avoiding spending time in the visitor center as much as possible. The basement will be staff only. If your child feels at all unwell, please have them stay home. We will be providing t-shirts for campers to wear. Campers must wear jeans and close- toed shoes as we will be around fires. We will be cooking a noon meal daily. If your child has any dieteary restrictions that we won't be able to accommodate, please send them with a sack lunch. There is no refrigeration or microwave available. Our Saturday family program will be held in the auditorium with desserts to enjoy after the presentations. YOUNG ADULT INTERPRETER PROGRAM: Young Adult Interpreters will still dress, but are requested to take home and wash their outfit each week. Young Adult Interpreters must arrive dressed and ready to go. There will not be a place to change into period clothing. You will need to schedule a time to get clothing prior to June 11th.

Traveling Educational Kits are available for teachers to borrow for classroom use. These lesson plans and teacher resources were created to accompany the four Lincoln’s Legacy Learning Kits developed by the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum Education Division to mark the bicentennial celebration of Lincoln’s birth. The kits contain multiple copies of age appropriate books, reproduction documents, artifacts and photos, music CDs, and videos. Lincoln’s Legacy Learning Kits include: the “Abraham Lincoln Biography Kit” the “Mary Lincoln Kit;” a “Civil War Soldier Kit;” and “Slavery in Illinois Kit.” These self-contained kits are designed for use in grades 5 through 8 but can be adapted to suit both older and younger students. Each kit contains the “Lincoln’s Legacy Lesson Plans and Teacher Resource Guide CD (including lesson plans and activities), primary source material (including images, documents, newspapers, reproduction artifacts, etc.), music, videos and other items. Please see the lesson plans in the menu on the right. Call or e-mail to reserve and receive further details on these exciting new educational materials, 217.345.184 or


girls pulling wagon

Please click on the subject title to access the lesson plans for the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum educational kits. All of the lesson plans are also included on a CD in each kit. Please read the Library's introduction and information on copyright issues here.
Lincoln's Legacy Lesson Plans

    Website funded and maintained by the Lincoln Log Cabin Foundation © 2025